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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Vision and Values

Welcome to Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior Academies!

We are part of the Fierté Multi-Academy Trust. 

We wholeheartedly commit to supporting our local communities to thrive by maximising every opportunity for learning and care and ultimately to achieve our vision

Inspiring all to excellence

Our values are the thread that drive excellence and create the culture in which we can all excel.






Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior believe in Achieving Together and having 'PRIDE' in everything we do.

We pride ourselves on being caring, family-friendly schools where you will find enthusiastic and well-trained staff with high expectations that all children can succeed.

The emotional well-being of our pupils underpins all other areas of learning. Through a Growth Mindset approach we embed emotional resilience throughout the child’s day, with the goal to give them life skills that will support them as the go through life. We aim to provide a socially, cultural, holistic, and wellness focused approach to support the emotional development of all children and adults within the school community.

We like to involve parents in all aspects of school life, to share their children’s excitement, enthusiasm and celebrate their success. Working together, we hope that your child’s important, early steps in life will be happy and successful. 

We welcome prospective parents who would like to visit. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.